• Travel by renting a car: This method is quite popular and allows you to plan your trip well in advance. Chiang Mai has many car rental services or it's a motorbike as well. But the disadvantage of this method is that it is quite expensive. Therefore, you should compare the prices well and get what you can accept and most importantly. We must also consider whether we need to add gas to the car or not. What time do you pick up and drop off the car?

  • Travel by minibus/red car: The red bus is the most popular public transportation in Chiang Mai. But be careful about the price. Especially if we are tourists, we have to ask carefully about the price. If we go there, how much will it cost? Many red cars tend to charge a high fee.

  • Travel with Rider: The red bus is the most popular public transportation in Chiang Mai. But be careful about the price. Especially if we are tourists, we have to ask carefully about the price. If we go there, how much will it cost? Many red cars tend to charge a high fee.

When choosing a car to travel in Chiang Mai, you must consider how many people are going and how far or near. Because if many people go together, the option of chartering a car or renting a car is cheaper when divided between them. But if you're going nearby, taking a red bus or taxi is more convenient, faster, and more economical.